Let's Talk


Let's Talk


Let's Talk


Let's Talk



Hi, I'm Daniel. I build interfaces, design brands & solve user experiences.

Hi, I'm Daniel. I build interfaces, design brands & solve user experiences.

What I do

What I do

Websites and applications are my main area of expertise, with extensive education in User Experience (UX) & Interaction Design (IxD). Based on user-centric design, I make sure that design supports functionality, and functionality supports design.

With a passion for visual crafting, & well-rounded interaction designer, I make sure that brands & interfaces are friendly, emotive & aesthetically pleasing. With a touch of mellow smootheness.

Bringing technology closer to you is important in today's hi-tech society. Making the human interaction with digital artefacts more natural and easier to use.

Brands That Trust Me
BWM Samsung Barclays Nestlé CréditAgricole Mondelez Celio* Transdev Mapstr ClubMoving

  • 01
  • Awards won
  • 30+
  • Happy Clients
  • 07
  • Mobile Applications
  • 32
  • Websites
  • 06
  • Brand Identities
  • 02
  • Nationalities

A synopsis
of my career

A synopsis of my career



Traded my desk for a planeticket.


Senior Product
Designer @ PlayPlay

Product design. User-testing. Co-creating the company Design Culture.


Head of Design
@ IZI by EDF

Building & managing a design team, installing a rich design culture, rituals & design process. Brand design. Product Design. Scaling. Management. "Politics".


Design Lead
@ Publicis

Product design. User Research. Team Lead. UI. UX.


Design Lead
@ Doers

Art direction. Brand Design. Product Design. Team management. Working close with clients and their product(s).


Design Lead
@ Stample

Brand design. Product Design. Team management. Front end integration.


Designer @

UI & UX design. Web integration. Icon design.


University @
Malmö Högskola

Bachelor of Science. Interaction design.

Recent work



We were contacted by Advise Care who is a seller of insurance of multimedia objects (mobiles, cameras, tablets etc.) on a B2B platform. But they wanted to branch out and enter the B2C market with a new product and identity. Our goal was to allow people to insure quickly & simply their personal multimedia objects. Through discussions we understood that Advise Care didn't want their future customers to be confronted with small text clauses but to rather convey transparency. My role on this project was design lead. To have an overview of the UX side and hands on design & interaction design. The UX designers are Maxime Castelli and Samson Blond. #Lead-Design #Product-Manager #Team-Leader #Branding

  • Key challenges
  • Communicate transparency, simplicity and reliability via their new way of being insured.
  • Create an identity and brand.
  • Define the main user journeys.
  • Final design
  • User centric wording in the menu increased the interactions by 46% (words such as we as opposed to us).
  • By showcasing testimonials, users felt more at ease to continue browsing the rest of the site and find out more.
  • We found users prefer to read information on mobile and then continue their purchasing on desktop.
  • Having small sections of text helps the user to stay retentive for longer.
  • Solution
  • We knew that with insurance it was going to be a hard task to engage users. Although with our process of putting the user at the centre of the project and concentrating on what they needed and wanted, helped engagement levels to rise. For us we learned applying a stepped approach we could then tweak at every step with Advise Care’s input. Our next challenge would be to continue testing our process and perfecting it for our next customer.



Barclays France needed a complete re-branding and re-design of their website. The short back story is that Barclays France was acquired by another groupe, thus having to break free from the Barclays group. And so, Barclays becomes Milleis. My role on this project was covering the UX & being the link between the design, integration & stakeholders. The UI was made by Marie Fiorucci. Site is now live here. #UX #Interaction Design #Project managing #Guidelines

  • Key challenges
  • Creating a notion of readily accessible, online bank.
  • Barclays is known for having amazing customer support, within the walls of the office. Milleis needed to create the same feeling, but outside the walls of the bank.
  • Establishment of a modern language that speaks _with_ the customer.
  • Final design
  • Many pages (that we called second landing pages) with brief information, but relevant to the topic.
  • We identified that people used the site for information gathering in mobile, and if they wanted to sign up - it would happen on desktop.
  • Unified and user-centric design.
  • Solution
  • So the focus was to solve a fairly complex site with a lot of information, and make it easily digestible. So the main solution was to focus on showing relevant information together with relevant articles. Meaning show less information, but at the same time creating more pages.



We got to work on re-polishing Transdev's two products: Eurolines & Isilines. Since the high-season was due pretty soon after project launch, our first mission with them was to fix up the graphical chart & some small UX parts. For both, we hotted up their website and improved the UX and graphical charts. I worked closely with two UX-designers- Maxime Castelli & Samson Blond. #Design #Branding #UI #Guidelines #IxD

  • Key challenges
  • Being able to equip the company with a premium, creative and connected service in a highly competitive market.
  • A fully redesigned, responsive, user-oriented booking product developed with the best open source technologies.
  • Establishment of a marketplace to benefit from advantages on hotels and excursions.
  • A program that deals with branding issues while focusing on CRM, social, e-commerece, upselling and customer experience.
  • Final design
  • Their graphical chart was slightly messy, which leads to our problem. Our first mission was to establish a consistency & some guidelines based on their current form language. We also identified "pain points" that the users found troublesome. Once we broke down all the cases, we worked on improving the UX. We further extended the solutions and transformed them into an extension of the site(s). This in the form of an app.
  • Solution
  • Our main focus for this was to allow the UI to breathe more. So the solution boiled down to creating more modern graphical language together with clear spacings. For the UX part we did everything from larger focus groups to detailed, individual tests. Once we had identified the problems, we made mockups of the new sites and small tests on selected users. After a few rounds of iterations, we continued our design sprint and came up with a solid UX for searching and buying tickets.

Crédit Agricole

Crédit Agricole is one of the biggest banks in France. They have developped a rich and vast network of incubators for start-ups, all around the country. In June 2018, they launched a brief for the redesign of this website that holds and showcases each and every Village (as they're called). The following design is given to, and accepted by, Crédit Agricole – and is currently under development. #Design #Product-Manager #Branding #Art Direction #Interaction Design

Credit Agricole
Credit Agricole
Credit Agricole
  • Key challenges
  • Guide the users to discover the all the villages.
  • Unify the different stories.
  • Make sure that the user easily understands what each village does and get a consice insight.
  • Find an appropriate design that makes a fairly complex product, feel unified.
  • Final design
  • The brief was packed with complex requirements and rules, so the solution was to create a story for each rule and then lay each story together as a giant puzzle. Thus getting a macro overview and easier design with the client to achieve the goals. We created three main stories, making them similar to each other, but not too similar so that it doesn't feel repetitive.
  • Solution
  • So the focus was to solve a fairly complex site with a lot of information, and make it easily digestible. So the main solution was to focus on showing relevant information together with relevant articles. Meaning show less information, but at the same time creating more pages.
  • Build
  • Under construction.


My role as design lead on this mission was fun and exciting. Leading a small team of designers and developers was challenging whilst meeting a tight deadline. The goal was to transform Celio's homepage and welcome it into a more user friendly e-commerce site. It was important to respect the design principles & Celio language, and at the same time be brave & bold. A satisfying & fun challenge to say the least. #Art-Direction #Design #Team-Managment #eCommerce

  • Key challenges
  • Rethink the Celio brand experience.
  • Seamless integration between all devices.
  • Customer experience before, during and after visiting celio.com.
  • Final design
  • So our solution was to re-brand part of their image and focus on the landing. Since the shopping part was the least problematic, we focused mostly on the landing; navigation, search, story-telling. Our approach was to inspire people to stay longer and create a desire to find out more and in the end - feel good enough to start browsing.
  • Solution
  • Review and redesign of the artisic direction.
  • Study showed increase use of handheld devices.
  • 15% increase of completed sales, online.


This is a personal project I've been working on for a couple of months. It aint really done yet, but a basic version is out on AppStore today! It's all about saving hotspots around town into your personal map. Drop a pin, describe it, tag it and frame it! #Design #WIP #Personal #UX #UI #Application #Interaction-design


Get in touch

Get in touch

Wanna talk about a project? I'm currently open for freelance projects 🖖

Email me for...
van't Hart 💛